
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Baby Morgan Update {24 Weeks}

24 weeks!!! AH!!

Let's see what's been going on during pregnancy. :)

--We put up the crib for Baby Morgan. Mason may transition out of his crib by the time baby comes but he likes it in there and we are not in any hurry. We purchased another crib on the cheap for baby #2 and it is in our room. The plan is to keep baby in our room until he/she is sleeping through the night and then we will put both kiddos in the same room. :)

--There has been lots of kicking, rolling, playing in my tummy. Baby #2 is active and I love it!

--Matt was able to feel Baby kick on February 14th.

--Official due date is June 12th.

--I have a new diaper bag thanks to GiGi and I think it will serve our needs perfectly. Hopefully I can sell the first one or at least find it a good home.

--My reflux has been better. I have missed a few days of taking Zantac and I've been good still. I also purchased 75 mg instead of 150mg so that's been good, too.

--Following his love for cars, when asked, Mason said he wanted to name the baby, "MAAACCCCC" :)

--I failed my 1 hour glucose test and I will be taking the 3 hour glucose test on Tuesday. 

--Heartrate was 162bpm and all is well with sweet baby Morgan. 

--We were reading a book just the other night and I mentioned that one of the characters was the big brother. Mason pointed to himself and said "me big". He is starting to get it. I love it! 

--I planned on taking a bump picture but after failing the ole glucose test, it wasn't happening. Soon...maybe. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Morgan's Movements {Mid-February 2016}

Wow, how is it already the later part of February?!?!
A few weeks ago, I found this table that my Mom gave us. Mason is now at the right age for it and he has enjoyed it so much! 

"Say 'Cheese!!'"

We headed to Kindergym two Fridays ago and it was snowing. It was pure craziness. It snowed for about 1-1.5 hours and less than 3 hours later, it was all gone.

(getting a little taste of snow.)

Mason enjoyed some tent time recently. Oh, I just love it so!

The day before Valentine's Day, we had planned a quiet day at home with lots of family time. My mom had given Matt some awesome bacon back a few months ago and we had been saving it for the perfect day. When he opened this package there were definitely fist pumps happening!

He sous chef was assisting from afar. Meanwhile, I was in the bed because this was my morning to sleep in. :)


That same day, we also put up Baby #2's crib. Mason was saying "My bed" but as the time passed, he has been saying it's for baby and he LOVES to crawl underneath it and read. :)

Coolest kid around!! 

YOMO dates are our favorite. BOGO YOMO dates are even better!!!

We came home to a sweet Valentine from our neighbor, Mrs. Phoebe, for Mason. I mean, really!?! The best!

Sunday morning, I woke up feeling puny but I had to work that day so I hurried to work while the guys went to church. Blah for that!

That afternoon I felt slightly better and I stole lots of kisses from Mason. He obviously was not a fan. ;-)

Well, maybe he was. :)

Valentine's night we headed to a MOPS dinner event which involved wives feeding their husbands donuts with their eyes closed. FUN times and LOTS of food information and wisdom on communication in marriage. :)

Monday morning was a complete lazy day at home!

That night I made shepherd's pie and that stuff was LEGIT!! YUM!!!

Tuesday we enjoyed some painting, playdoh and lots of other fun.

And Mom sent me a fun treat in the mail. Love it!

 Afternoon playtime...OUTSIDE!!!

See? It's his favorite place!

Gold brick eggs and Heavenly Hash eggs are at my momma's house courtesy of my stepdad which means Easter is close and there will be in our house SOON!!!

We have had some beautiful weather lately which meant park time has returned. YAY!

Mason and I had a dinner date when Matt went to youth. This was his response when I asked him to smile. this boy!

More time outside! YES!!! It's our favorite right now!

We've been practicing some potty time, too. Doesn't he look the cutest?!?!

Gah! I love him!

He's also a graffiti artist, apparently!

Our book reading table is also good for a snack table. Who knew!?!

Saturday was our family day in Greenville! We had the best time! After voting, we headed to Stax Original for a yummy breakfast. It was a bit of a wait so we had to get creative with our entertainment. :)

 I love these guys so much. Can't wait to add another little bit to this fun!

After breakfast, we did a little (unsuccessful) shopping for maternity clothes and then we headed to the zoo. We hoped to catch a glimpse of Tatu, the new baby giraffe, but it was too chilly for him. 

We continued the day with AWESOME lunch at Whole Foods, some mall exploring, and came home and crashed. It was a FUN day and a great end to mid-February!