
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Morgan Family Road Trip: Day 3, Part 2

The second part of our day brought us from Benton to St. Louis! It was a beautiful (and hot) day as we drove along. Tons of farmers were out plowing and working in their fields and Mason was loving every one we passed. 
We rode by the Scott AFB exit which is where Matt and his family lived 20+ years ago. 

Hey, STL! 


After way too many tries at parking, we finally got a parking spot and headed to the arch. :) 

Obviously pictures were a HIGH priority for Maddox...

Hi Arch! It was wayyyyy too long of a walk in that heat. But we eventually got there. :) 

The grounds appeared to be going through a renovation and it was so pretty around there. 

Seeing helicopters taking off and landing were a highlight for Mason. 

I grew up so close to the Mississippi River so it was fun to see a completely different part of it. 

We found a shady spot and just enjoyed the views. :) 

Hehehe, my hair! 


Mason ALMOST made it to the top! 


Love my big guy! 


The water was so high! 

Mason says, "Ta-Da!" 

We headed back toward the car, had a snack and avoided a wind storm, barely, and headed to our next stop. 
Hi, Baseball Stadium. :) 

We found Schnucks! 

Free cookies for the win! 

After much grocery story browsing and finally purchasing, we headed to our little AirBNB apartment for the next couple of days. Mason and Maddox explored to the fullest. :) 


This neat little play area was nearby so we went there for a bit, too. 


We were all pooped from that day so we all played, ate, had baths and headed to bed at 6! Well, 7ish for Matt and me.