
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Favorite Children's Books {11}

I've missed several months of these children's book posts but I'm trying to get back to it! 

This book, Smile a Lot, was so cute! At the end of each page, it said "Smile a lot". Such a good reminder. Boys loved it. 

This book, Rock 'N' Roll Soul, had a great beat to it. Lots of musical tune in the pages. Mason especially loved it! Also, the main character has a great deal of self-esteem-love that! 

Cute book about a fish who is not what people think he is. 

A fun book that mixes baking and writing a book. We read this one several times. So neat! 

Errol wasn't like his other friends but he finds out what is his special talent! 

We've been on a dinosaur kick. This one is extra fun. All of these books mention things that we shouldn't do, actions we shouldn't take and then support positively with the correct behaviors. 

Geraldine moved to a new town and she has to figure out how to fit in. Excellent excellent lesson. 

This book and the first in the series is so cute. I also just saw that a third one is coming out in September. The items inside fridge go on some adventures. These books had the boys in stitches! 

Whoa. So good. This book is a great children's book sharing about the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Some of the information advanced for Mason but the basic principle that we all deserve the opportunity to be the best we can be regardless of gender or color. Love this. 

The story of the writing of this song. I really enjoyed this one. 

100% silly. Pete ate it all! 

Really cool, really detailed book about bugs. We will have to remember this one for the future. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Maddox Says & Does {11}

Maddox pulled Mason's hair and went to time out. He was told he was done but he laid in his bed for 20 minutes. Mason just went outside of the crib and Maddox was inside and they were playing. *Kids are weird.*

Maddox climbed into Mason's bed, moved all of the animals and snuggled in saying "night night". 😍

Maddox walked over two Mason with a toy and said, "Sison, open?" I teared up. SO big.

July 16th, Maddox stuck popcorn up his nose. 😳

Instead of calling my stepdad Rarry (for Jerry) , Maddox is currently saying "Rarray!" 😂

At Pump-It-Up, when we slid, Maddox said "one more time!?" 😭

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Mason Says & Does {31}

Maddox pulled Mason's hair and went to time out. He was told he was done but he laid in his bed for 20 minutes. Mason just went outside of the crib and Maddox was inside and they were playing. *Kids are weird.*

When speaking of our peanut snack, Mason said it a "penis" 😂😂😂

After I made smoothies, Mason said, "Mom you make the best smoothies. Dad makes good ones, too, but they are kinda yucky too." 😂

"What are you doing, Mason?" 
"Trying to see if I can hear my chocolate chip going down." 
"How'd that go?" 
"I couldn't see it or hear it?" 

When speaking of Hawaiian rolls: Behind rolls. 😂

We had an early dinner one evening and I gave the boys crackers for "supper". Mason ate two and gave the rest to Maddox saying "I'm full. That was a good supper!" 

Mason got up to go to the bathroom near wake-up time. Both boys were then awake in their room. Maddox was talking and Mason said "GO TO SLEEP! I'm trying to sleep. Sleep is good for you so do it!" 😂

After telling Maddox something to help him. Mason says, "Okay Maddox. If you get stuck, I'm not going to help you." 😂😂😂

I told Mason we could go to the grocery store before our meeting but we needed to be quick. "Why, Mom? We are always early!" 😂

Mason woke up to potty one morning and I told him to go back to bed for a few minutes. When he went in, Maddox was sitting up in his bed. He walked over to his crib, leaned down, and said, "Just a few more minutes, Maddox." 😍😍😍

Playing the guitar, "I love you Jesus. I love you Jesus." 😭

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sky's Birthday!

Like I mentioned in yesterday's post, Wednesday morning was for celebrating. Skylar turned 7 the day before and we went to Pump-It-Up and Panera to celebrate. We had the best morning!! 

The kids jumped for nearly 1.5 hours and may have kept going if we had the time! 




The boys and I even slid down the slide all together a few times. 


We enjoyed Panera and some delicious cupcakes!! Happy Birthday!! 


The whole crew! We love all of those ladies! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Morgan's Movements: Week 29

Monday was a day at home for us. The boys played so well together all day. They spent most of the day playing "Chick-Fil-A" on the couch by the window. It was so cute. 

Pure silliness. 

Unfortunately, the Chick-Fil-A game ended with an accidental broken window that afternoon. It was completely an accident but still a bummer. 

That evening, Maddox ended up with a sour cream hair-do. hahah! 


More silliness. Guess this is his signature?? 

After dinner, they asked to play outside. It has rained earlier but there weren't many puddles. Thankfully, there was water in the pool so they splashed a bit before coming inside. :) 


Tuesday was MOPS meeting day. Maddox was excited, Mason was NOT going to take a picture! 

That night, Matt took Mason to a Dino party at the library and Maddox and I spent a bit of time at home before bedtime. 




Wednesday we celebrated a friend's birthday and I'll share about that tomorrow. 
Thursday, we had planned for a park after the grocery store but it rained so we opted for McDonald's play place. 
This one? My backseat driver. haha! 

They played for a while and honestly, I was nauseous at the end when I saw their socks and Maddox's khaki shorts. Do they clean their play places!?! 

That evening, Matt mowed and he had some helpers. 


I love my boys so much! 

Friday morning, these two slept nearly 40 minutes after their usual wake up time! 

We headed to the park to play because we knew rain was coming for much of the next week. 
Maddox served me dirt ice cream. :) 

That afternoon, we had a special snack with a movie at home. 

Maddox pee peed on the potty, too! 

Matt and I finished the night with a donut date while watching Madam Secretary. Love him! 

Saturday, this is the only picture we took! I worked a bit and we tried to spend as much time outside as we could in between rain falling. 

That evening, I threw my back out while helping Mason bathe. It was so random and incredibly painful. I stayed home from church Sunday to rest while Matt took the boys. 
After church, this one made some silly faces with me. Love him! 

While Maddox and I napped/rested, Matt took Mason to clean the car and have guy time. They had a blast! 
After that, the boys snuggled with me a bit. 

Maddox even unexpectedly gave me foot rub. 

Kris and her girls stopped by for a quick visit. We had pictures of Mason and Anna from 4 years ago and 2 years ago on this day so we needed one for today, too! 

Love their friendship! 

4 years ago and 2 years ago in the bottom right. 

We had a pretty good week. Let's hope this back heals quickly!!!