
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Love in the chaos

The other day, while driving to work, God reminded me of a dream I had not long before our wedding. In the dream, Leslie was in her wedding dress and I was in my tux. We were walking to the church where we were to be married and every scene was so chaotic and busy. I remember us sitting on a park bench and being sad that we couldn't find peace and love on our wedding day. We finally got up from the bench, resigned that this is what our life would be like, and started to go the rest of the way to the church. When we were almost there we were walking past a set of doors.

There was singing coming from the other side and we had some time before we had to be at the church for the wedding, so we decided to check it out. When we walked through the doors we were at the  Passion Conference in the Phillips Arena and the song was "Our God" being lead by Chris Tomlin. We were overwhelmed with God's love and peace. I woke up with tears in my eyes (almost had tears just now thinking of the dream). God had shown me that no matter how crazy our life may get His love will always be there and the love between Leslie and me will always be there.

This past week has been one of those crazy, chaotic, and busy weeks. We worked the whole week, I even had to work that Sunday. We were off Friday and Saturday, but were on the road by 7:00 a.m. on Friday headed to Louisiana for Leslie's cousin's high school graduation. Friday night, we had to drive to her dad's house in a severe thunder storm. Heavy rain, high winds, hail, 25 mph on the interstate, the whole shebang.  We had to come back Saturday evening, and I had to be at church at 6:45 a.m. and work from 11:30 to 8:30 that Sunday.  We were exhausted.

Monday morning was when God reminded me of that dream. While I was thinking about the dream I had realized that after our crazy week, my love for my wife was stronger than ever. I love that I can truly say that I love Leslie more now than I ever have before AND that love continues to, by the grace of God, grow more and more everyday. Wow, do I love that woman.

Until then-
Did you hear about the Morgan's?

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