
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

Matt and I have been encouraged lately by the wisdom that surrounds us. The most amazing part is the places it comes from. It's one of those experiences where you know it must be God.

In my quitting my job and preparing for something completely different, Matt and I have been excited because we know it was the best decision but also torn because we don't really know what's next. We have faith that it will be awesome, of course, but there are always those times when the enemy creeps in and the flesh rises up and you think "Holy crap, what were we thinking?!?!?!?"

This Sunday, Matt was able to play with Highlands Worship. He has been a part of Highlands Infuse for several months and has learned a lot and has been patiently waiting his time to play. He got a call Friday afternoon and they asked him to play Sunday. He was thrilled and quickly learned all the songs so he would play Sunday. I woke up Sunday morning with a horrible stomach ache and I was worried I wouldn't be able to hear him play or even be at church that day. I felt a little better a little before service so Mom and I got in the car and went.

When worship started, I was brought to tears. This happens sometimes so I was not completely caught off guard but this seemed different. Multiple times throughout the service, I got emotional and I just heard God's still small voice say "You made the right decision when you quit your job. However, choosing a new job is not the only part of the next step. You and Matt have to think about many other things. Remember, I put you both on this earth (as well as everyone else) to fulfill your passions and purposes. Think about that."

I just sat there and realized that playing in the worship team is Matt's passion and he seems even more fulfilled in that passion/purpose with Highlands Worship than anywhere else I've seen him. So right now, we feel like God is saying consider that.

I don't think that necessarily means that we stay in Montgomery or anything like that but it is something huge to consider in our next step.

Praise God for He is ALWAYS good!

Til Then-
Did You Hear About the Morgans?

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