
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Something to Say Sunday

When Matt and I first started this blog, we discussed that we wanted it to be for updating folks on our lives, posting fun memories, and also for sharing with others our struggles, victories and what God was teaching us about our relationship and life in general.

Recently, I mentioned that I quit my job for various reasons (mostly, because God said to) and since then I have been looking for another position. One week ago, I had a phone interview for a job in Birmingham and this past Thursday, I had an on-site interview. Matt and I had been praying that the Lord would speak clearly in the situation and say "This is the way, walk in it". A friend confirmed this prayer to us prior to the interview as well (Love when God does that).

I went to the interview on Thursday and the interview went well, great, in fact. I was impressed with the company. The facilities I visited were clean and very nice but when I left something just wasn't right. It wasn't anything I could pinpoint and honestly, I was a bit confused. I talked to Matt and he said "If you don't have a peace about it, then neither do I. And maybe that's our answer". But wait, would God really tell us "No" to this job after he led us to this job in the first place. Or Did He? Hmmm....

I called my wise mother and discussed with her what Matt and I were feeling and she said "think about it and see what you feel is best". Over the weekend, Matt and I discussed the whole situation and decided that God was clearly telling us "No" and we had no other option but to listen to him. This is a hard decision to make. Why? Well, it means turning down employment. Who does that?!? Someone yielded to God that's who. So what now?

I told Matt that one of the reasons that I felt like God was telling us "No" to this specific job was because I need to be yielded to Matt and his leadership in our relationship/family. Matt is an awesome leader but I'm not so good of a follower (can't believe I just said that outloud typed that). So, what does that mean in this situation? It means that as of right now, we reconvene Matt's job search. Matt has been working at The Home Depot for over 4 years. It's not a job he loves but it's a job God has provided and despite intermittent job hunting over the last year, nothing else has come up. I tend to get upset about that at times and then I realize that God has used every single step in our lives to teach us something. If Matt had gotten another job 4 months ago, our lives would have looked completely different and I'm not sure I would have wanted that!

Our next step is to PRAY and ask God what he would have us to do. We believe the first step is to re-start Matt's job hunt (which I will help with a great deal, since I'm not working) and see what God shows us. We are not fearful. We KNOW God is in control and that our needs will be taken care of and we believe that all events of our lives together have led up to this point. Why would he leave us now...oh, He won't for HE IS GOOD!

Til Then-
Did You Hear About the Morgans?

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