
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

National Blog Posting Month Take 9

Wow, I really can't believe it's November 9th already. That means that the Mr. and I will pack up and move in 12 days. It is CRAZY exciting that God has given us this opportunity for a new adventure and we are grateful although we don't know very many of the details.

At the same time as it is exciting, it is a bit bittersweet too. Matt and I will move from the only "home" we have known together. We have lived in this apartment in Montgomery since we returned from our honeymoon so it's a bit sad. HOWEVER, we will not really miss our neighbors. They are incredibly loud at the worst times and we won't miss that. We know it's one of the joys of living in apartments and that it is possible that our next apartment may have a noisy neighbor too. So we will just deal with it until it's time for us to have a house of our own.

12 days left in Montgomery. 12 days until we move into our new apartment in Spartanburg. 13 days until we put up our Christmas tree and 15 days until we celebrate our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. Can't wait to cook that meal!

Til then-
Did You Hear About the Morgans?

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