
Monday, November 7, 2011

A neat God-moment

Last year for Christmas I gave the Mr. (who was not the Mr. yet) a calendar. For each month, there was something special that we would do for that month. Also, on various days throughout each month there were written smaller special/fun things to do.

On the calendar for today was "Ice Cream". This would normally not be a big deal but since our budget is so tight as we prepare to move and we aren't really grocery shopping much, we don't have any. And we don't really need to go out and buy any either. We decided we would just wait until another time.

WELL, today, Matt got to work and in the break room there was a sign that said "Great Job making sales plan last week!! Help yourself to some ice cream and all the fixins!!" Matt was able to eat ice cream on his break and because of how much there was left, he was able to bring me some too!


God is GOOD, I must confess!

Til then-
Did You Hear About the Morgans?

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