
Thursday, November 17, 2011

National Blog Posting Month Take 17

Thanksgiving is 1 week away!

In some ways, it doesn't seem possible that it is already the end of November. In other ways, it's not surprising at all.

This Thanksgiving is a special one because it is a "first" one. This Thanksgiving is our first Thanksgiving as a married couple!! We are so excited to spend the day just the two of us.

We have been in the midst of such a large transition (and still are) with my quitting my job here, deciding to move, preparing to move and within the next few days, actually moving! We are so ready to be in Spartanburg and be settled into our new place and our new adventure. It is HARD living with everything you own in boxes as you prepare to move.

Tomorrow, we load our moving truck with all of our material belongings. We will spend two days cleaning our apartment and saying the last of our good-byes to Montgomery. We will stay Sunday night with Matt's grandparents and then we will move in to our place on Monday morning.

Tuesday will be spent getting Internet hooked up, a job meeting/interview, HUGE grocery shopping trip (which I'm thrilled about!) and putting up our Christmas decorations!!!

We are considering the next 10 days after that our time of relaxation, refreshment and just enjoying our time
Together. It's sure to be wonderful!

Til then-
Did You Hear About the Morgan's?

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