
Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's been forever...

This week, I've been thinking about how long it's been since I really truly blogged about anything and I couldn't believe it! I don't really have an excuse nor do I think I need one but it honestly surprised me. Recently, I have had several ideas for things I wanted to blog about. Random things that just came to mind. I'll try to recall some of them in this post and shorten my thoughts on them. Reason: I've been working 4- 10 hour days and last weekend was busy/fun with Matt's family in town but that also meant that Matt and I haven't had much "us" time lately. Right now, he is asleep and when he wakes up we are spending the WHOLE day together so I am planning to finish this blog before then :)


My thoughts:)

1. I really love my husband and I'm amazed by him everyday. In January, we discussed, prayed, decided that now was a great time for him to start a photography business. He has AWESOME talent but it has always just been a hobby. Not anymore. It has been a long road so far. It requires a lot of extra energy on his part because he is working on it all when he isn't working his part-time (nearly full-time) job. We had a big discussion several weeks ago and we both had to come to some realizations. For Matt: this is his  our plan to support our family, therefore, it is a priority despite how much energy it takes. This is hard. This is worth it. For me: I have to provide constant encouragement to my husband and let him know that I believe in him to make this dream of his come true. That being said...Matt has now completed 3 photography sessions in preparation for adding to his portfolio. He has ordered business cards, adjusted the blog to work for his current needs, and created a Facebook fan page. He is well on his way, one step at a time :)

2. I don't like driving to work early in the morning when it's still super dark outside. My current drive (for the next few months while helping out another facility) is 1 hour and 20 minutes. My journey starts at  6:00 a.m. which means it's dark for my entire drive. Talk about feeling like you want to go back to sleep even if you sleep great the night before: ;-)

3. My husband's birthday is next weekend. Matt turns 26 on the 26th and I'm excited to celebrate his Golden Birthday with him. Saturday morning we will head to Columbia, SC and we have several fun things planned for the weekend. I have also ordered some cool gifts for Matt. Most of which he will be surprise to see!

4. I worked 45 hours last week. I WAS EXHAUSTED but when I got paid yesterday, I decided it may have been worth it...haha

5. We go home to Louisiana on April 19th. Just one more month. Matt and I have been making our plans. They currently involve giving and receiving lots of hugs to and from friends we haven't seen in forever. Eating. Taking pictures of Jill's house and her family. Eating. Possibly fishing. Eating. Going through old/antique items at my Grandmother's house with my mom and Matt. and lastly, eating :)

6. Last weekend, Matt's family was here for about 48 hours. His entire immediate family. It went well and we had a blast. We were able to celebrate Matt's birthday early with them. Matt photographed them and we had lots of laughs. Saturday, we went to a park and Matt laid on the ground near the pond to feed the ducks. His 3 year old nephew looked at him and said "You're nuts" CRACKED US UP! Kids really do know what to say and when to say it to make you laugh!

7. Matt and I have been attacking our student loans as we intended. We are also preparing to pay off the Buick we bought in December. We have been able to double our monthly payments each month. Our loan is for 2 years but our goal was 1 year. With our tax refund, it looks like we will pay it off in 5 months!!! We are so grateful and we are certain it is a God thing because Matt's Taurus is having some transmission problems and we are certain we will need another car to replace it very soon. God's plan is perfect if we follow it!

8. On Monday, we went to Knoxville, TN to photograph our dear friend's, Jeff and Mandy, sweet newborn. As Matt says--It was a challenge but it was fun. He enjoyed it but also learned he has so much to learn to become comfortable with sweet babies and photographing them. I was able to encourage him and remind him "This is your first shoot" :)....We will go back in May for him to photograph her 3 month photographs. If all goes as planned, he would like to photograph her 6, 9 and 1 year photographs.

9. I should also add that while photographing her, we left her diaper on for most of the day but when we took it off for the last 10 minutes, she promptly pooped and sprayed tee-tee everywhere! OOPS!!!!
Matt's face was priceless!

10. I made a cake for Matt last weekend with Salted Caramel Buttercream Icing. Here is the link for the recipe. You need to make it now. Even if you don't have a cake to make. Dip pretzels in it or just use your finger. SOOOOOO GOOD!!!

Anyway, that's all for now. Matt will wake up soon. We are going to get a rental car, shop a bit and have breakfast/lunch at Papa's Breakfast Nook. YUM!

Have a great Saturday!

Til then-
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