
Friday, May 18, 2012

What Happened in 500 Days?

I mentioned on Monday that Matt and I celebrated 500 days of marriage. I thought I would give an extra sneak peek into what we have done in 500 days.

--Gotten married (DUH)
--travelled to New Orleans, Oregon and Washington for our honeymoon
--celebrated 2 of Matt's birthdays and 1 of mine
--moved to South Carolina
--travelled to Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina
--bought a fish
--started selling items on Etsy
--started a photography business
--watched the entire series of Law and Order: SVU on Netflix
--planted a small garden
--started hiking
--began our 101 in 1001 list
--made homemade laundry detergent
--sold one car, bought another one which we paid off in 5 months!
--had all of Matt's family here for the weekend
--handmade all Christmas gifts for our friends and family
--cooked a LOT of good meals
--spent 500 nights next to each other (no nights apart!)
--spent all major holidays just the two of us, just how we wanted it to be
--cooked Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner together
--celebrated our First Christmas
--went to an Air Show

Obviously, there were TONS of more things that we did in our first 500 days but those were some of the fun and memorable ones.

Can't wait for the next 500!

til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?

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