
Monday, June 25, 2012

Blog Commenting Challenge

 Linking up with Jenna's Journey for a fun Blog Commenting Challenge. Today's topic is all "About Me!"

My name is Leslie. I live in Spartanburg, SC with my husband, Matthew. We moved here from Montgomery, Alabama on November 21st, 2011. I am originally from south Louisiana but have also lived in north Louisiana and Birmingham, Alabama as well. Matt is an Air Force Brat originally from New Jersey moved to Illinois and then Montgomery, Alabama.

We LOVE our little city.

We have been married for 18 months, since January 1, 2011. We both work outside of the home. I am a Speech Language Pathologist and Matthew is a new photographer who also works at home depot. We don't have any children yet, although we look forward to filling our home one day!  One pet, a fish named Splenden. As soon as we rent or buy a house, we will have a puppy dog.

We love to sell craft items on Etsy and my husband just started a photography business. The links are below

Matt's photography

Welcome to our blog :)

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?


  1. Hi Leslie, I'm stopping by from Jenna's commenting challenge!

    Hands down, I think you have the cutest, most playful blog header pic! Adorable!

    I used to live in Louisiana when I was in Jr. High... my hubby and I still love to go spend long weekends there, even though we live in Texas!

    Cute blog! Have a blessed day!

    1. You are so precious! Thank you! Love your blog too!

  2. Hello! Over from Jenna's journey commenting challenge. Love finding new blogs to read that are about Christian women:-)

  3. visiting from jennas. nice to "meet you"!

  4. stopping over from the commenting challenge - LOVE your header, btw.
    Is it weird that I totally read your intro with what I imagine is an Alabama accent? lol

    1. funny. I am a speech therapist so I don't have much of an accent because I've learned to modify it :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I always get excited to find other bloggers in the same life chapter as me....newly-ish married, no kids (yet). Looking forward to following!

  6. Cute blog! Hope you have a blessed week! I'll visit your blog again!!

  7. Looking forward to following your blog!! :)

  8. Stopping over from Jenna's - nice to meet you! Great photography!!

  9. Thanks for the comment! Love your title picture, very cute! Especially the LSU shirt! Geaux Tigers!

  10. What a fun anniversary you have! It's nice to "meet" you!

  11. Nice to "meet" you! I too am originally from Montgomery, AL!

  12. Hi! Nice to meet you! How fun that your husband is starting a photography business! :)

  13. Oh my goodness! Your header picture is completely precious! It's so great to meet you! Stopping by from Jenna's challenge! So glad to be following along!

  14. Ummm I'm an SLP too! Love yor profile picture! Coming over from Jenna's blog!

  15. Stopping in from Jenna's blog. Looking forward to reading more about you.

  16. Stopping by from Jenna's blog. I am originally from northeast AL and my BIL and SIL live in B'ham. :)
