
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Morgans...Part 3

Part 3 of this series which we are calling "The Future". We mentioned in our last series post that enjoy talking about our future. Obviously, we have no idea what the future holds but we like to talk about the plans we have for one day in the future, nonetheless.

Work Less
                 Matt and I both enjoy working. I love being a speech language pathologist and Matt is enjoying starting his photography business as well as working at Home Depot at this time. However, we would love to be in a place financially and just overall in our lives where we work less. We would love for Matt to be able to do his photography, for me to work PRN as an SLP and for us to support ourselves in other ways as well including making and selling crafts. It's a dream for sure.

Home School
                     We have gone back and forth about this for a while and we know that we may change our minds again before we get to this point BUT as of right now, we plan to home school our children. Matt was home schooled and there were things he liked about it and things he didn't. Our goal is to teach our children as much as we are able and then be a part of a co-op so that they can also be taught things that we can't teach them as well. The only way that we will ever do this is if we are able to have our children involved in children's ministry, youth ministry, play groups, co-op etc so they are involved with their peers. We never want for our children to be isolated from their peers.

          We want to be able to travel more. We don't necessarily want to take huge, expensive trips but we would love to camp inexpensively, take our children and ourselves on mission trips across the nation and even the world. We love the thought of an across country RV trip to visit family and see the USA. Lovely lovely idea.

Budget Well
                     Matt and I love our budget. We love knowing that we have a great amount of control over our finances because we prepare ahead of time. We hope and pray that we are able to continue this for all of our lives. There is so much freedom in that!

Discover New Things
                                   Between the two of us, Matt is the more adventurous one. Because of that, he encourages me to be adventurous. With that in mind, we want to be adventurous with our children too. We want to always explore new things--cooking new foods, making new things, hiking, camping, etc. etc. etc.

Teach our Children to cook
                                               Matt and I love to cook and we want to pass that down to our children and grandchildren in the future. My grandmother was a great cook but I didn't learn much from her because I just ate the food :). Matt kind of had the same experience. We think that cooking with your children can be a great teaching experience. We can't wait for that!

Buy/Rent a home
                           We know that we are a long way from buying a house but we hope to be able to do this one day. In the mean time, we want to find a great home to rent for an extended period of time. We have enjoyed apartment life but we are ready for a free standing structure to reside in :)

Grow our own Garden--Be more self Sufficient
                                                                           Matt has talked about having a garden since before we were married. He is so good growing pretty much anything and he can't wait to have space to be able to do as he wishes. He wants a big garden that will allow for a large amount of fresh produce so that we can be more self sufficient.

Finish our 101 in 1001 list
                                         This is a short term future goal. We have so enjoyed completing goals on our list. Over 20 completed so far and each have been fun. By end of September 2014, we hope we have done all 101 :)

                     Of course, Matt and I want to have children of our own but we hope one day in the future to be foster parents and possibly eventually adopt children that are in the foster system.

So there you have it. Just a brief look into our thoughts about the future.

Til then-
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