
Friday, August 17, 2012

Open Letters

Dear Olympics,

I like you but I'm glad you are over. Man, people did not stop talking about you.

Sincerely, Olympic liker, not lover

Dear Dementia

I hate you. I don't enjoy watching you destroy the livelihood of some of the most amazing people. I know that God uses everything for GOOD yet you are a hard one to deal with. 

Sincerely, Speech Language Pathologist who works with residents with dementia. 

P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my sweet residents. Just hate that they have to go through it. 

Dear Motorcycle Driver

I know you think you are so cool when you drive 90 MPH and weave in and out of people. If you want to put yourself in danger, that's cool. Please leave me out of it.

Sincerely, Buick Driver :)

Dear Professor Layton games

You are so fun! The hubs and I LOVE solving all of your puzzles. It's our total geek moment together. (The rest of them he has by himself ;-))

Sincerely, Puzzle Solvers

Dear Summer Vegetables

I'm going to miss having you around. A LOT! Guess, it's time for fall veggies now. 

Sincerely, Veggie lover

Dear newly purchased crib

The hubs and I are thrilled about you. No, we don't have a baby on the way but one day we hope to and since you were $100 and in excellent condition, we couldn't pass you up. 

Sincerely,  Parents in the not so near future

Dear God

You are always good but sometimes you bless us more than we could have imagined. Thanks for those special moments. We love them.

Sincerely, Your children
Dear Biltmore

We are coming to visit you today. EEEKKK!! :)

Sincerely, Crazy Tourists

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?

P.S. I'm linking up with "Friday's Letters" @ But here post wasn't up when I finished blogging so I don't have her button. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to visit the Biltmore. Maybe someday!
