
Monday, August 6, 2012


Ever have those experiences in your life where you want to tell a friend you are praying for them but you know that 1,000,000 other people are saying the same thing. Something like this....

"I'm praying for you"


"Covering you in Prayer"

"Believing God for your family"

"Know and Believe God is taking care of your situation"

All of those phrases are to let someone in need know that you are praying for them. All well meaning and all truthful. All amazing and all helpful. However, sometimes it seems that in those times, you are just joining in with the crowd. Like it isn't a big deal that you are praying since the 1,000,000 others are already praying.

How stupid is that? God is HUGE and he doesn't just want 1,000,000 praying for one family, he wants the 1,000,001 people praying for them. Even if many people are praying for a situation, God still listens to the one. He doesn't need fancy words, he just needs something simple and genuine.


Thank you for your provision and your love. Thank you for your grace and goodness. Thank you for being in control of ALL situations. Thank you that even when we have NO idea what's going on, that you do. Thank you that when we don't know what to pray or how to pray, you hear our hearts. Take care of the Moody's this week. Continue to show yourself faithful to them. We love you!



  1. There is a verse that comes to mind. James 5:16 :) You are so true. One prayer is powerful enough cause that's how amazingly almighty and omnipotent our Father is :)

    Thanks for this :)

    Lets keep encouraging each other :)

  2. It's such a reassurance just to be able to chat to God about our worries isn't it? Thanks for the reminder to keep on praying. :)
