
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TOP {Plans for the Spring and Summer}

We have enjoyed Winter but we are ready for Spring and Summer because lots of fun things are planned!

1. See the Flyers play in Raleigh--For Matt's birthday, we are going to see the Flyers play in Raleigh. I will be my first hockey game (which I couldn't care less about). BUT Matt is thrilled and I am excited to be able to cross this goal off of his list! 

2. Meet Emelia--Our newest niece is Emelia. We are making a trip to visit the family and meet her during the first weekend in May. We can't wait! 

3. Take a trip to Louisiana/Be in Brittany's Wedding--My BFF, Britt, gets married on May 31st in Louisiana and I'm in the wedding. We are excited to be a part and even more excited that we will get some extended time in Louisiana with family while we are there. 

4. Take a trip to PA for a Family Reunion--Matt's Dad's side of the family is having a reunion in July and we will be heading up there for several days for that. I have not met everyone yet so I'm excited about it. 

5. Have an Herb Garden--We have gathered all of our materials and are preparing our "Herb garden". We love having fresh herbs and hope that the squirrels don't eat all of them!!! 

6. Pay off the Student loans--Our set goal for paying off the loans is June 30th, 2013 and we are on track to do that. Hope we make it! 

**What are your plans for the Spring and Summer?**

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