
Thursday, March 21, 2013

TOP {Things we have done to save money}

I've written a post similar to this before (I think) but as Matt and I have been talking about things related to finances lately, it had me thinking about this again. What do Matt and I do to save money, spend less, spend wisely? 

1. Use coupons
2. Buy groceries that are on sale; except for necessities
3. Purchase clothing and shoes on clearance/sale; never a full price
4. Save money to buy what we want; never use credit cards
5. Think about purchases before making them
6. Share dinners when we eat out
7. Bulk up meals with other proteins besides meat to decrease costs of each meal
8. Buy certain things in bulk
9. Have a small stockpile for items that are on "Super" sale
10. Tithe...I know this is controversial to so many people but in our strong opinion, we believe that the reason the Lord has blessed us as much as he has is because we ALWAYS give him the 1st 10% of our income. It doesn't matter if we don't think we will have enough to do something else we want to do, we always give to God first. Sometimes, often times, he blesses us back financially. Other times, he blesses us in many ways that we would have never imagined. 

**If you want to ask me any questions about tithing, please feel free. It's something I'm passionate about and I know it's a hard concept for some people as it used to be for me. 

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