
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Joining A new Church

Since Matt and I have been together, we have belonged to 4 churches.

We met in a Baptist church in Montgomery where he played in the Praise Band and I started going on a friend's encouragement. We look back now and see God's hand in that time for sure because hey, that's where we met. It was a sweet time and we love the people of that church. Right before we got married and just after we got married, we felt the Lord leading us to something different. As far as we both felt, it wasn't anything in particular, just time for a new season.

During the second month of our marriage, we began attending Church of the Highlands in Montgomery. A church I had previously attended in Birmingham. We both loved it. We joined and got involved. I served in the Kid's area and Matt joined the Praise Team. It was a good fit for us. We were there for just 10 months before the Lord called us to move to Spartanburg.

When we moved, we attended several churches to kind of scope things out, so to speak. We ended up at Restoration Church where Matt's grandparents attend/serve. We really liked that church and we were there for a year. We met some great people and learned some awesome things but somewhere in our spirits, we just felt like the Lord had something else for us. It was hard to listen to his voice because we felt like we had already experienced so many churches in such a short time. We were also concerned that Matt's grandparents may be upset that we were leaving. Although, looking back that was silly. Obviously, they were sad but they want God's best for us.

In January of 2013, we began attending NewSpring Church in Spartanburg. I had previously attended NewSpring in the Winter of 2010 during the first week Matt and I were courting. My friend Rachel and I drove up to Anderson, SC from Birmingham, AL to attend. Matt and I both knew we would like the church but had agreed to try other churches too. We attended NewSpring for several weeks and one Sunday, Matt said "Let's Join. We know it's where we are supposed to be". We have since attended for 6 months, joined a small group and joined the church. We are still waiting to hear from someone at the church about getting plugged in to serve but we feel confident that this is where God has us.

It's such a sweet time. We look forward to what's next!

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