
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Louisiana Trip 2013 {In Pictures}

I know I blogged a little bit about the Louisiana trip but I am pretty sure I just focused on the fact that we told everyone about the Baby which was pretty much the best part. Haha! 

Anyway, here are lots of pictures we took during the trip with commentary thrown in!

We decided to leave super early on the morning of May 24th, so Matt packed the car ahead of time. 

Here's my guy! P.S. I LOVE packing the car because I feel I am superior at it. ;-) However, as a pregnant woman I am prohibited to lift that much weight. Therefore, I taught Matt everything I know! I kid :)


Matt got these sunglasses at the Color Run and they fit perfect over his regular glasses so he wore them the whole time. It became an obsession. :)

Ready to go! and as happy as we can be at 5:30 a.m. 

At some point on our journey when we had awakened a bit. 

Gas station break, tired of being in the car mostly because we were tired of keeping our secret! haha! 

Alright, this is at the bottom of the stairs at my mom's house. We had put away all of our things are were about to tell her about her grandbaby!! It was so fun to surprise her. She was thrilled to hear and we were glad that the secret was out! :) We gave her an apron that was monogrammed "GiGi's Kitchen". My step dad was also there and we gave him the announcement photo to tell him the due date which happens to be his birthday! It was fun! 
P.S. There is video of all of this that Matt hopes to compile but life is busy right now and it just hasn't happened!


The next morning, we met up with my friend, Brittany and were able to tell her! She was excited too, of course. We gave her a few wedding gifts and in the first card I said "It's so fun to think that as you begin this season of marriage, we are beginning a season of parenthood"

She was getting married the following friday which is the main reason this particular trip to Louisiana was planned to start with. 

Saturday late morning and early afternoon was spent with Dad and Susan. We gave Dad a child's fishing pole to reveal the news to him. He was SHOCKED and thrilled. :)

**Between Saturday and Tuesday, we were able to tell most of our family and friends, some via video and phone calls since we couldn't see them in person yet. Saturday night, we told my best friend and her husband. She is due 3 weeks before me and it was soooo hard to keep the secret that long! Sunday, we attended church with Mom and told all of our friends there. Sunday afternoon was reserved for lunch and shopping for maternity clothes. Monday was a chill day and Monday night was dessert with Mark and Pam. Sad I didn't get a picture there! 

Tuesday evening, we headed to Dad and Susan's for crawfish with the family. Here are some of Matt's artistic shots from there! 

Matt had his share! (pardon the belly shot!)

My precious step-mom, Susan, got this cake for us! It was such a surprise and so special. My favorite cake is carrot cake and also she called/still calls me "Carrot Top" so it's extra special! 

One day, Mom and I were cleaning and found these glasses that were my grandfather's. Hehehe

On Wednesday night, we went to see a soccer game. Matt got a few fun shots! 

Thursday night was the rehearsal dinner. Mom and I grabbed a quick pic before hand. Oh, and Daizee had to pop in too! She is so photogenic! 

My love! 

The rehearsal and wedding were held at the local Catholic church which is so pretty. Matt grabbed a few shots while there. 

Baby Cohen thought it was boring! 

Rehearsal dinner followed at a restaurant called "The Boston". It was nice! Matt wanted to take more pictures but it was a little dark in there. 

Friday was the BIG day! Here are a few pictures from that day! 

Saturday morning, we headed to Montgomery to spend a quick 24 hours with Matt's parents. We didn't get any pictures there but had a good time! 

1 comment:

  1. That church is beautiful! and you look great in your dress (your hair is so beautiful!!). Looks like ya'll had a great trip. :)
