
Friday, July 26, 2013

The Hill Family stops for a visit!

On July 7th, our friends, Brad, Rebekah and Jadon, were heading back to Texas from a trip to visit family in Tennessee and they passed through Spartanburg to see us. They had just planned to stop for dinner but when I found out they were going to get a hotel, I insisted they stay the night with us. 

We cooked up grilled cheese sandwiches and visited  for a while before we all headed to bed. It was so good to see them and visit for a while. While they were here, Jadon told us his secret that he is going to be a big brother! So here I am with one of my best friends and we both have babies in our bellies!!! :)

Jadon helped us to baby proof our house. :)

I tried to steal a few kisses. I thought he was interested at first but as I look back at the pictures, I'm not sure he did! :) I loved it anyway! 

Love the Hill Family of FOUR!!

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