
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Atlanta {BabyMoon & Birthday}

Last month, Matt and I decided to plan a trip for our BabyMoon as well as for my 29th birthday. We went back and forth regarding places we wanted to go. We considered Outer Banks, Savannah and a few other places. We decided on Atlanta because it is within 3 hours and we know we love it there. We were there from August 16th-18th. 

We were both able to get off Friday so we left Spartanburg about 10:15 and headed to Atlanta. Our first stop was Fogo De Chao which is a yummy Brazilian SteakHouse. It did not disappoint and we were both STUFFED when we left. 

Matt was FULL! 

They brought me Birthday dessert! 


On on drive, my Mom texted me and asked if we wanted tickets to the Braves game that night. My stepbrother has season tickets and since he was in Oklahoma at the hospital with my stepdad/his dad, he wasn't using them. We decided to go and it was a good choice! We checked into our hotel and headed to the game about 6:00. We got to see a little batting practice  and stayed for most of the game before we got too cold when it started misting. 

Ready for the game

Peach's 1st Baseball game

Love this guy!

We couldn't resist this pic of Peach in front of a Peach truck :)

Having fun! 

This little boy was there with his PopPop and they just made our night. His grandfather got him EVERYTHING he wanted!

Ready for Day 2 which included Sublime Donuts, IKEA x2, Lunch and shopping with Rick, Rachel and Charlie and chill time

Our donuts from Sublime Donuts. They were heavenly! 

We ate at Tin Drum Cafe with Rick, Rachel and Charlie who drove over from Birmingham. Here's Charlie with his Dad!

 Me and the cutest little Guy! 

Matt and Charlie; shortly after this he helped Charlie fall asleep. I call him the "Baby Whisperer" 

Me and Rachel. Love this girl! It had been WAY TOO long since we had seen each other! 

Last day, Peach had eaten lots of DONUTS!

Headed home! 

Matt had to stop for a treat from the Varsity

Having fun! 

We had such a good trip and now we are counting down to baby! Less than 12 weeks until due date! 


  1. Oh my gosh, only 12 weeks!! Wow, how exciting!! :) :) :)

  2. Looks like you guys had fun! :) Sweet little peach! :)
