
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

30 Weeks {A Pregnancy Update}

Only 10 weeks until due date. Now, that's just CRAZY!!

**August 21st, I finally saw Peach move for the first time. Been feeling it for a long time but just saw it for the first time and it is kinda funny! We even got it on video. See below! 

**August 21st, Peach jumped on my bladder for the 1st time too! I was SHOCKED. Thankfully, I didn't have an accident, just a sudden urge to go. It was quite comical!

**August 22nd, 28 week check-up. Heart-rate was 145. The nurse practitioner said that the baby was growing on target. Blood pressure was good as well.  I am at 15 pound weight gain which is right on target as well. Now, to just avoid those Doritos! 

**I have begun attending a small group at our church and one of the ladies in the group is the wife of one of the delivering OBs at the practice I go to. Kinda fun! I haven't met him yet but I will meet him next 

**At our appoint, we got a kick count sheet. We should now be looking for 10 kicks/movements in a 2 hour period every 24 hours. Baby is a mover so that has been a relief! 

**On August 22nd, I attended my first consignment sale. Switch-a-roos comes to Spartanburg every 6 months and Grandmom and I attended together. It was so great! I spent $37 and I got 8 outfits including a coming home outfit for both genders. I got a changing pad, cover and sheet saver. I also got 2 more letters for our alphabet wall. We only need 8 more! 

**I have had a little bit of sweet this week too. It's just past my birthday so I had birthday cake of course! Matt made homemade cookies and cream cake! 

**Might be because of the above mentioned sweets, but I had a horrible stomach ache on August 23rd. I ended up having to sleep sitting up. NO FUN!

**More and more people are starting to notice that I'm pregnant now. :)

**One night last week, I was laying down for a while and had not felt baby move, I told Matt and we kinda rubbed my stomach a little bit before bed. Baby started moving and did not stop for 45 minutes!! It was so funny!

**On August 30th, Matt was rubbing my stomach and talking to the baby and the baby was moving A LOT. All of a sudden, Matt got a punch to the cheek! It was so FUNNY!

29 weeks and 2 days

** Can't believe there is just 10 weeks until DUE DATE!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting!! You are so cute pregnant! :) Little peach is coming to a wonderful family - I'm so happy for ya'll!
