
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

32 Weeks {A Pregnancy Update}

8 weeks until due date! WHAT?!?!

**Right at 30 weeks, Matt started reading books to the baby in the evenings. The first night he read, the baby had been pretty still all day and he read a joke book. After that, the baby moved for at least 45 minutes. We figure there was some laughing going on! :)

**On Friday, September 6th, Matt and I were at the bank standing in line and I touched my stomach and to the left side of my stomach near my belly button and I could feel one of little one's feet. I had Matt feel and right after that I was pushing against the foot a little bit and Peach kicked me! It was so cute!

**We have been working on several things these past few weeks:
-washing baby clothes
-finishing painting all letters for the alphabet wall and hanging all of the letters (excuse the crooked picture. Will try to take more and post details.)

-gathering Christmas ornament ideas to make for our family (a few I like)

-starting to pack hospital bags

**Two of my closest friends were both planning (separately) something in lieu of a shower since I cannot get to Louisiana for a shower before baby comes. Well, one was keeping it a secret and the other was unaware and offered to host a Sip and See for us once baby comes. Now, they are co-planning a sweet gathering for us in January so we can show off Baby Morgan to all of our friends and family in Louisiana. :)  My friends ROCK.

** This past week, I was working on a wreath for my mom and the wreath was leaning on my belly. Peach kept kicking it. So funny!

**My Dad and step-mom purchased the carseat and stroller we wanted! Well, they sent us money and we purchased. When we purchased, we got two free video monitors for free which we didn't want to so sold both of them on Amazon and made $100 which we are putting in an envelope for baby clothes! :)

**We heard a good strong heartbeat  (143 BPM) at 31 weeks, 2 days at my appointment. Next appointment is in 2 weeks. Getting so close!

**We attended an Infant Care Class at our hospital and we learned how to swaddle the baby and got some good information from the pediatrician. It was a nice class.

**Our shipment of SunBaby cloth diapers came in this past week too! Kinda looked like drugs arrived on our doorstep. :)

**As of Friday, September 13th, I am no longer wearing my rings. They still fit in the morning but I am getting a little bit of swelling in my fingers as the day progresses so I'm not going to wear them anymore. My doctor said "Don't worry everyone knows you have a significant other"! ;-)

**On Saturday, September 14th/ Sunday, September 15th, I started to get reflux and it woke me up in the night. IT WAS AWFUL! I'm sure for many people it's just like normal reflux but I NEVER have it so it caught me off guard. Hoping to find some remedies for it ASAP! :)

Picture is 30 weeks, 6 days

31 weeks, 2 days 

**On Sunday while in church, the baby moved the whole time. Peach already loves church! 

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