
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Christmas 2013 {Mason's First}

For the last two years, Matt and I have spent Christmas together in a super relaxed way. We have enjoyed that SO much and knew we wanted to continue that tradition this year with Mason. We purchased Christmas PJ's to sleep in on Christmas Eve night and then stayed in them ALL DAY LONG on Christmas Day. Pure Bliss.

Now, normally we would sleep in a bit on Christmas Day but we are obviously on a schedule with MMM so we were up by 7. We played a bit and when we laid him down for his morning nap, I started breakfast which was Cinnamon Roll Casserole. It was awesome by the way! 

While it baked, we exchanged gifts. We typically choose gifts for each other as "Want, Need, Wear, Read and something to do together". This year was a little off because of a little different budget and time constraint etc. So we just exchanged what we have.

I must say, Matt did an awesome job choosing gifts for me. I am one extra blessed girl!

Matt's awesome wrapping job! 

A continued tradition...a new Christmas Book

Matt got a drill set. He was pumped!! 

Ah! A book I've wanted for a while. Sophie Hudson's "A little Salty to Cut the Sweet" 

Matt got a Phillies ice chest. He needed this to take lunches to work. It will also be good for traveling. 

WOO!! I received a Waxing Poetic "M" charm. I LOVE IT! I added it to my necklace Matt gave me last year and it's perfect! 

Person of Interest Season 2! 

Lastly, Matt gave me something extra extra special. 

A new Willow Tree Figurine that is of a Dad, Mom and Baby! Melt my Heart! 

I also gave Matt his anniversary gift on Christmas. Third Anniversary is Leather so I gave Matt a new journal. He loves to journal but had gotten out of the habit. This was a great way for him to start anew.

Later that day, he ordered my anniversary gift which was some leather earrings from OnceAgainSam. I have three pair already but this pair was a super fun one in blue and gold! LOVE!

Mason also got a few sweet gifts. 
Aunt Holly sent this for Mason and he's a fan. It's hanging on his nursery wall now! 

Uncle Ben sent this AWESOME pencil drawing of one of Mason's newborn pictures. We framed it and placed it on his nursery wall too. 

We gave Mason two Christmas books. 

GiGi gave Mason this Curious George book and the Elf on the Shelf. 

Mason received some other items too including clothes/gift cards from Grammy and PopPop. Grandmom and Granddad gave Mason a crocheted moose as well as a sweet little box that said "Mason's Christmas Treasures" 

Our First Christmas as a Family of 3 was wonderful! 

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