
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Guest Post {Be Blessed, Y'all}

Last week I had the opportunity to post over at Emily's Blog Be Blessed Y'all. I thought I would share the post here today. It's about a few of our Christmas Traditions.

1. Christmas Cards
We mail Christmas cards each year. I have actually sent Christmas cards out for nearly 10 years and back when I was single, I even sent picture cards out with pictures of just me! ANYONE can send Christmas cards. 
This year since our little one was born so close to Christmas, we sent announcement/Christmas cards as one and the same. Here it is: 

2. Christmas PJ's
Each year, we get new Christmas PJ's that we wear on Christmas Eve. We also do a very low key Christmas Day and we like to stay in our PJ's ALL DAY LONG!! 
This year's PJ's came from Old Navy (I hoped to show you them in pictures BUT they are all sold out online). Last year, we got Nick and Nora PJ's from Target. We even have little bitty baby PJ's this year. You can see those in this post

3. Christmas Books
For years, I have collected Christmas books and we have a pretty good collection. This year, we read one each night to Mason. This year, we gave Mason two new books as his Christmas gift. We are so excited that next year he will be VERY excited to read them. 

4. Elf on the Shelf
This is a tradition we will be starting next year. My mom (GiGi to Mason) was wanting to purchase on for Mason. Matt and I had been hesitant because it seems that it could become a little overwhelming but after talking about it and seeing how some families are utilizing them, we decided it was a fun idea. We can't wait to try it out next Christmas.

What are your Christmas traditions? I would love to know about them!
Also, come follow me on Bloglovin!

Thanks, Emily for letting me post!

1 comment:

  1. These are THE CUTEST announcements/cards. Did your husband take that photo? IT's great!
