
Sunday, February 16, 2014

More Snow Pics {February 2014}

I showed some of the pictures Matt took this past Wednesday when we went out in the snow but here is a snippet of what I had on my phone! 

Tuesday morning, Matt let me sleep in and of course, I couldn't fall asleep so I just looked at the light snow from the bed! 

It was barely snowing at this point so the guys when out for a quick second. 

Then we decided to stay warm inside because we knew we were in for a LOT of snow! 

Views from inside Tuesday morning: 

Then, my guys got brave again! 

Isn't this little guy the cutest!?!

Back inside later on that day; 

This guy was WARM in his dino PJ's

Early Wednesday morning, Matt got brave again; Please note that I was inside this whole time!! 

Wednesday at about 1:30pm, we all decided to go outside: 

Mason was worn out!! 

Late Wednesday night/Thursday morning

Matt's Home Depot opened back up Thursday morning so Matt went outside to get the ice/snow off of the truck and this is how deep our snow was! Unfortunately/Fortunately, he got stuck in the driveway and couldn't get to work! Darn! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Love the last few pics of you throwing the snowball!!!! Snow is so fun!
