
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mason: Month 4 + {Photos}

We officially have a 4 month old as of 3/1/14! WOO!

Here are some updates on our little blessing!

Weight: We went for a visit on 2/25/14 because we were thinking he might be sick (he just had a little virus) and he weighed 16 pounds even with clothes on. At his well visit on 3/5/14, he weighed 16 pounds, 2 ounces (75th percentile).

Height: 25 inches (50th percentile); head circumference 16 1/2 inches (35th percentile)

Nicknames: Squirmy Worm-Wormy Squirm, Bo-Bo, Studbaby (by GiGi), Bugga Bugga, Mason Moo-Moo, Chunka Munka (a favorite)


Eating: Mason eats 4 times a day, spaced out every four hours. He eats at 7a, 11a, 3p, 7p. He is doing well with that and total each day he eats between 30-35 ounces.

Sleeping: Mason is taking 2-two hour naps (9-11 and 1-3)  during the day and a 45 minute nap in the evening (5:00-5:45). He then sleeps 7:15pm-7:00am.

Diapers: Mason was still in size 2 disposable for this month but they were getting tight. I purchased size 3 disposable diapers to wear as soon as our last few size 2 diapers are gone. He only wears disposables at night, when we are out, or out of town. He LOVES the cloth still and they are working well for us.

Clothes: Mason is wearing mostly 3-6 month and some 6 month clothes. It depends on the brand as to what size he will wear.

Social: This little dude is laughing sooooo much! It's hilarious and so fun. He is also starting to lay his head on your shoulder intentionally instead of it just ending up there. It's so sweet.

New things this month: He is trying soooo hard to roll from back to belly but he didn't master it just yet. He rolled from belly to back so quickly but now, he isn't wanting to do that. Mostly because he is not a fan of tummy time. He is also working hard to try to sit up. It's so cute! He also started reaching for toys/rattles
We are also getting rid of the pacifier. He has always spit it out almost immediately after he laid down but now we are laying him down without. It's a work in progress.

Likes:  Mom and Dad :); his Jumperoo, his playmat, eating, being outside; still loves bathtime; the MOPPETS at my MOPS group. They are in love with him!


Dislikes: having a fever! DUH!; when he gets tired;


Daddy: Mason and Daddy are having so much fun. I worked several days this month so he had several days with just the two of them. They had a blast! It was great! Matt has carried him a lot in the Baby Bjorn and Mason LOVES IT!

Momma:  Mason and Momma are still enjoying spending most of our days together. We are having so much fun outside in the bouncer when it's warm. Looking forward to more warm weather and lots of walks!


Fun Things: On February 10th-14th, we were mostly snowed in. It was fun for the most part but we were all slightly stir-crazy by the end of it. We went out into the snow for about 30 minutes but no snowman for us!

Mason also reached 100 days old! It was just a fluke thing that I realized it.


Comparison Pictures: 


One month: 

Two Months: 

Three Months: 

Four Months: 

1 comment:

  1. I would love for my little one (5 months) to be on a set schedule! She eats about every 3 hours, but it all depends on when she wakes up for the day, etc. She also is all over the board with her naps. How did you get Mason on such a great schedule? Or did he get himself there?
