
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mommy & Mason Walk

On Monday, April 21st, the weather was beautiful! After Mason woke up from his afternoon nap, I knew we had to go outside. We walked down the street to Hatcher Gardens and took a little stroll. It was so nice although the pollen quickly reminded us that it was there! 

Taking in the sights! 

Smiling for Mom! 

Y'all, this hat! I just LOVE it! 

Mommy and Mason! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter 2014

This year for Easter, we went to a Saturday night service at our church. 

This is us before the service: 

They had a little photo booth area set up at the church and we snapped a few pictures. Mason was pre-occupied looking at ALL of the people so this is the best we got! 

Easter morning, we stayed home to have family time since we went to church Saturday. Matt snapped a few pictures. We got some good ones of Matt & Mason, Momma & Mason and Mason but the family of three pictures are HARD! Matt did the best he could with a busy subject. ;-)

Best picture of Mason and me thus far! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Passion by Louie Giglio {A Book Review}

When I first heard about this book by Louie Giglio I knew I wanted to read it. In 2010, I went to Passion Conference and I can honestly say, after that conference my life changed. Matt was also at that conference. We were friends then but not dating at the time. During that three day period, we heard some amazing messages from Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Andy Stanley and John Piper. Our lives will never be the same. 

Passion is a compilation of messages from Louie Giglio, Francis Chan, Beth Moore, John Piper, Judah Smith and Christine Caine. Most of the messages are ones that were spoken live on the stage at a Passion Conference. Each chapter is divided up into one message or story. The overarching story of Passion, Passion Conference and the entire movement is woven throughout the pages. It's an incredible book and it brought me back to my three days at Passion which made it even more incredible to me. 

This book is worth checking out and learning more about Passion, reading messages from some incredible authors and writers and growing closer to the Lord in the process! 

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

I review for BookLook Bloggers

More 5 Month Pics {Mason}

Since Mason wasn't super pumped to take pictures right on his 5 month "birthday", Matt took some another day soon after. And these are GREAT!!

Our favorite: 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Misc. Pictures

Our days are filled with a lot of the same activities: meal time, play time, sleep time..repeat. 
In the midst of that "sameness" there are always bits of fun. 

My little helper organizing the hangers for me! 

On Thursday, April 10th, Matt's Dad had neck surgery. Mason wore his "I love my PopPop" shirt to show his support!

Wishing Uncle Ben a "Happy Birthday"! 

Love this handsome guy! 

Nap time at Grandmom and Granddads! 

Love, love, love! 

"Hey Dad! I'm taller than you!" 

Silly boy! and his Silly Momma! 

Play time! 

My Monday Morning cleaning buddy; moving to quick to get clear pics! 

This Kid LOVES bath time

Hanging out with Daddy

Sweet Sleeper

Oatmeal time! 

Look at his nose! That expression is awesome! 

I can't get enough of seeing him sleep on his belly. 

Trying on Easter outfits.