
Monday, April 21, 2014

Misc. Pictures

Our days are filled with a lot of the same activities: meal time, play time, sleep time..repeat. 
In the midst of that "sameness" there are always bits of fun. 

My little helper organizing the hangers for me! 

On Thursday, April 10th, Matt's Dad had neck surgery. Mason wore his "I love my PopPop" shirt to show his support!

Wishing Uncle Ben a "Happy Birthday"! 

Love this handsome guy! 

Nap time at Grandmom and Granddads! 

Love, love, love! 

"Hey Dad! I'm taller than you!" 

Silly boy! and his Silly Momma! 

Play time! 

My Monday Morning cleaning buddy; moving to quick to get clear pics! 

This Kid LOVES bath time

Hanging out with Daddy

Sweet Sleeper

Oatmeal time! 

Look at his nose! That expression is awesome! 

I can't get enough of seeing him sleep on his belly. 

Trying on Easter outfits. 

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