
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Louisiana Trip {April 2014} Day 7 + 8

Our original plan for day 7 was to have breakfast with GiGi and then lunch with PawPaw but the weather was moving in quickly so we ended up leaving earlier than expected. We got a few PawPaw snuggles first thing in the morning and then headed to see GiGi. 

GiGi picked up Mom's favorite ham and cheese croissants from a local donut shop and a sweet tea and we enjoyed breakfast together. 

Mason was fond of Stacey this morning! 

After breakfast, we headed back to Dad's and Mason got a quick nap. I fed him and then we got on the road about 10:45 headed to Montgomery to stay overnight at Matt's parents house. 

Matt said the look on Mason's face says "Really, Mom? I thought we were leaving at 2:00 not 11:00". :)

This was the mileage we had racked up before heading to Montgomery. Overall, we went about 1,700 miles! 

 We stopped in Atmore for me to eat and to feed Mason. He was just chillin' out in their highchair. 

We got to Montgomery about 4:00 and Mason had a little play time with PopPop and Grammy before we hit the hay early to be ready for the last leg of our trip. 

Wednesday morning, we got up early and after Mason ate we got on the road. 
Sleepy head! 

We made our last stop just north of Atlanta and drove 2 more hours to get to Daddy!! 

 Because Matt was originally supposed to be off of work to be out of town with us. He had to work right when we got back into town. But before he left, he and Mason got a little snuggle time and I gave a quick recap of the trip. 

We had such a good time and were spoiled for sure! We are glad to be back home with Matt! 

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