
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Until I Found You {A Book Review}

**I received this book from Bethany House Publishing in exchange for my honest review.**

I recently received Until I Found You by Victoria Bylin. I absolutely LOVED this book! This book was a romance book but it wasn't overly romantic, to me. 

The story follows Kate Darby as she moves from her big job in LA to a small town for a short time to help take care of her grandmother, Leona, who recently had a stroke. Kate puts her life on hold for a time so that she can be near her grandmother, care for their town paper which her family owns, and in general, try to find her way in the world. 

The story begins with Kate being without faith and shows her exploring Christianity and a relationship with the Lord. There are times where it really seems like she might not find her way to Jesus at all. 

There are many twists and turns including Kate's interaction with a man named Nick who is unlike any other man she has met before, Leona getting injured, and Kate's job in LA. 

There was a somewhat strange storyline in the book as well that involved condors which was something that connected both her Grandfather and Grandmother, her father and then she and Nick. It was an interesting storyline but it wasn't my favorite part of the book. 

Overall, I really really enjoyed this book. It was well written and I read the whole book in 2 days while M napped. 

I highly recommend this book and hope to read more of Victoria Bylin's books soon! 

You can find more information here: 

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