
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Days Spent with Dad

This past weekend we were supposed to be out of town but with the persistent ear infections for Mason, we didn't. It ended up being great because we got several days at home just us 3. We had very few plans and it worked out great! I worked some on Sunday morning and Matt and Mason hung out. They sent me these pictures throughout the morning while I worked. 

Smiling BIG after breakfast! 


Getting a little fresh air outside. 

Dad, I wanna go back out! 

Thanks, now you're speaking my language! 

Just before nap time. Always happy even when running a temp for the 15th day in a row (off and on). 

Happy boys after nap...for both of them! 

Sitting practice. Little guy was sitting up for up to 3 minutes at a time at about 6 1/4 months and then with the double ear infections for the last two weeks, he has regressed some because of all of the fluid in his ears. Thank goodness for the bumbo! I know he will recover soon and then he will be sitting like a pro again! 

Love being able to work away from home some and be home with my guy at other times. I love that Matt is such an awesome dad! 

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