
Monday, June 30, 2014

Fun pictures as of late

It's root beer time!!! 

My guys. :)))

Sweet boy in plaid! 

I love sitting in the back seat with my boy. 

This was one happy guy! My mom sent him "steak money" for Father's Day and he was very glad to spend some of it. 

"Loving" on Dad...

One cool cat! 

I worked Sunday the 22nd and my two guys enjoyed the day together! 

Then, when I got home, we worked on some sitting. The little guy is finally getting it DONE after those ole ear infections! 

Oh, and this guy got to taste some yummy pizza crust

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Kelly brought this a month ago and Mason is still loving it! He can now put the ball into the tower. Smart boy! 

Happy boy! 

Upside down baby boy! 

Bath time! 

Trying to get into the fridge. :)

Just a little sitting practice 

Giving Mom a free pedicure. ;-)

A little FaceTime fun with GiGi. 

Apparently water from my bottle tastes better. I hear this never ends. HAHA! 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh-I want to squeeze that little cutie! :) MMM is the best! :)
