
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Louisiana Trip {August 2014} Day 1

A few months ago, Matt and I decided that we really wanted to be able to use some of his vacation time to take a trip as a family of three rather than using all of his time off to make visits back and forth to Louisiana and/or Alabama. We LOVE those trips but it was a bit tiring not getting "Just us" time over the last couple of years. 
That being said, Mason and I took a trip to Louisiana to visit my family and Matt stayed in South Carolina to work/have "Matt" time. :) 
We had a fun time! But we were glad to get back to see Matt. 

Over the next several posts, you'll see the run-down of our trip to Louisiana from August 6th-16th. We spent a lot of time relaxing! 

On Wednesday, August 6th, Matt dropped us off at the airport. Mason was intrigued by all of the new noises and sights at the airport! 
We said bye to Dad! 

Mason explored the airport before our plane ride! 

Mason was a TROOPER! He even took his first airport diaper change like a PRO!

For the flight, I fed Mason right as we got ready to take off. Then I gave him a pacifier (although he doesn't take one normally) to help soothe him and possibly get him to nap while we took off. He worked! He barely fussed when his ears were popping etc. Sweet boy! 

 And then after 5 hours of flying and layovers, we saw GIGI!!!

We stopped at Middendorf's with Rarry and GiGi and had yummy lunch. 
And then this little guy decided he wanted to nap! He was WORN out! He had such a hard time falling asleep. 

We stopped and got quick kisses from PawPaw

And then, Mason decided he could nap. :)

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