
Monday, September 15, 2014

Colliding with Destiny by Sarah Jakes {A Book Review}

**I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.** 

Colliding with Destiny Finding Hope in the Legacy of Ruth by Sarah Jakes intrigued me when I saw it up for review with Bethany House. Sarah Jakes is the daughter of TD Jakes who I knew from hearing him preach several times in the past. I have always loved the book of Ruth, too, so I wanted to see what this book was all about.

Colliding with Destiny goes all throughout the book of Ruth with Sarah beginning each chapter with a portion of the book of Ruth. The verses being at the beginning of each chapter was a neat touch to me. After the scriptures are written, Sarah talks about those verses by adding in stories and experiences from her own life. Sarah then gives some ideas of questions to answer and journal through. Sarah ends each chapter with a prayer based on the scripture, stories and points presented in the chapter. 

Each chapter is fairly short which makes them quick to read if you don't have much time to sit and read for a long period of time. Sarah is a good author and she really put herself out there in the book. I enjoyed this read. 

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