
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My 30th Birthday!

Well, it's finally happened! I've entered my 30's! WOOHOO!!

My first gift was a gift to myself. I had to work in Greenville one afternoon before my birthday and I stopped by Trader Joe's for this! 
Get you some! 

On the morning of my birthday, Matt made homemade biscuits, sausage and eggs with orange juice. So yummy! 

Mason inhaled a biscuit of his own! 

We had a low key morning at home because Matt had to work that night. I love my guys! 

One afternoon before my birthday, Matt and Mason went out to shop for gifts for me. They got some new silicon utensils to use with our cookware, a handheld mandolin and some yummy snacks/treats. Mason also picked 30 zinnias for me. 

Mason woke up from nap with a bit of stomach issues so Mason and Matt went to Wal-Mart to get some bread, bananas and applesauce to try to soothe him. While out, they stopped for cupcakes. YUM!

Since we were trying to have a low key date (and had plans to cook on Labor Day), Matt picked up a pizza to bake at home. YUM! (This one came from Wal-Mart. It was huge and was only $8. We ate pizza for days!)

My guys sang happy birthday to me with candles in my pizza. 

Mom sent me an Edible Arrangement and I was PUMPED! 

I ended my evening with snuggles from my little fella! 

He even gave me kisses :)

The next night, we watched Skylar so our friend Jason and Jenn could have a date night. They came to pick her up and brought this yummy treat! 

On Monday, I worked a few hours and then we spent the day together. Matt smoked a pork loin! It was so delicious. 

Back tracking a little bit, I'm including the pictures of when Matt took Mason out to purchase gifts for me. 

Also, just after that, we met to go to Golden Corral which was my choice. It has many options and there are tons of veggies which is awesome for all of us, especially Mason. 

YUMMY Dessert! 

Mason had his first bite of cotton candy. :)

It caused him to be too busy for a picture...oh wait, that's all of the time. :)

This guy made my birthday so special. From gifts to dinner out to dinner at home to chill time at home. It was perfect. Hello, 30! 

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