
Saturday, October 4, 2014

31 Days: Letters To Mason: Day 4

Dearest Mason, 

Today the topic on my mind is comparison. Right now in your short life time, you haven't learned yet what comparison is and what it can mean. You march to your own drum (and I honestly hope you always will). You don't care what others are doing. You don't care if the 18 month old in the nursery is spouting sentences. You don't care if your friend crawls slower than you. Etc. 

You take each day in stride and you do what you want/need to do. As a mom, there are so many times that I am faced with the opportunity to compare myself, you and even your Dad to others and what they are doing. Trust me, I try my hardest to avoid this but there are times when Satan wants nothing more than to stop us or slow us down so he gives us a picture of what others are doing in life so that our comparison of ourselves against them will hinder us. 

Here's my prayer for you: Don't compare yourself to others. Look to God who is your creator and in him, find your strength and identity. Only then can one be truly satisfied. I'm so proud of you and who you are and I promise to support you all the days of your life. 

Love, Mom

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