
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Morgan's Movements as of Late

Picture-full post ahead! We have had a fun few weeks with my Mom in town and Matt having a few days off with us. 

Mason's new favorite thing is to climb into the closet when we are getting clothes out. He always find a hanger or a shoe or something. Funny guy. 

I made these cookies for us to enjoy using leftover Halloween candy and they were SOOO good! I made them again for Matt to take to his work Thanksgiving party. They were a hit! 

Suspended in the air on the chair. Crazy boy. 

On Thanksgiving Day, Mason was a HUGE fan of the cranberry sauce. It was hilarious and messy! 

That required a bath...a happy bath

Snuggles with Daddy. The Best. 

Wild hair...he wouldn't stop long enough to get it combed this night. 

Cool dude with his shades...

We were trying to read our Elf on the Shelf book this night and Mason was well, not interested. 

HOT Krispy Kremes for all...especially GiGi! 

Mason wanted to get into GiGi's suitcase and try to go home with her. 

Family snuggles and book reading. Love my guys. We were reading our first of 25 Christmas stories this morning. It was sweet. 

Sagging pants...cloth diaper problem. :)

We got all gussied up to go to A Dickens of a Christmas downtown on December 2nd. We didn't make it the whole time but we had a little fun. Hopefully, more pictures to come of this night and Mason with Santa. For now, many, many family pictures...haha

It was so cold! 

All snuggled up watching the ice skaters. 

Strolling with Dad. 

GiGi got her favorite...a footlong corn dog. 

And she shared with Mason...

Family pic...Love our little square

After Dicken's of a Christmas, we came home and got Mason to bed. Then, we got yummy hot chocolate! We watched Blue Bloods and stayed warm with our drinks and enjoyed Mom's last night with us. 

Sweet snuggly baby boy...

Breakfast date with Daddy at the Beacon...excellent people watching...

MMM loves his books! 


Sometimes, I put my boy in his clothes (and shoes) and put him in the bathtub to play...he loves it! 

Then, I let him take real baths...:) Side note: This day, when I put him in the tub, he started grunting like he needed to have a BM. I quickly grabbed him and put him on the toilet and he went. PHEW! Our little guy had his first trip to the potty. 

Matt was off last Thursday so we went to story time at the library and we were early so we decided to play a little bit. 

Later on, we went to the mall for playtime, snack and then went to dinner. He loves our mall's play place. 


After dinner that night, we went to the local Marriott to see the Festival of Trees. There were some beautiful ones! 


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