
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Morgan Family Staycation 2015 {Day 4 - Greenville}

Next up after Charlotte, we decided to go to Greenville. Greenville is just about 30 minutes up the road but for whatever reason, we don't go there often. They have a great children's museum so that's where we headed. It was a dreary rainy day but that didn't deter us! Matt and I were shocked when we looked at these pictures. Mason smiled easily! We knew that meant he was PUMPED UP! 

Also, before we left home, we had those amazing donuts for breakfast that we picked up the day before. They did NOT disappoint! 

Just me and my boy! 

And Dad and his best buddy!

Here we come Children's Museum! 

We were there just a few minutes early so we opted for more pictures. Mason was obviously not as impressed this time! 

We had expected to pay for Mason because the website says $9 once they turn one but the lady at the counter said there was a grace period since that is a new policy so Mason got in free!! 

Our first stop was the cars and Mason probably would have stayed there the whole time! Matt, too. :)


Next up was a "ball" thing...haha...I know super technical

Wind tunnel (Side note here: Some of the activities were obvious a little too advanced for Mason at his current age but it was nice to see them so we now know what they have and what will be appropriate later. Even with that, there was still plenty for him to do the whole morning.)

More balls here... Mason would have carried those around with him if we had let him. That boy loves a ball of any kind. 

Space shuttle...more for Dad but Mason enjoyed riding along! 

Grocery Store...Mason was a dangerous cart driver. :)

A little bank...Mason and Matt handled some financial business while there.

A little bit of mirror silly time with Momma. 

Mason decorated a "cake" back in the grocery store's bakery. 

More his speed...a TUNNEL!

This was the little science portion. Lots of neat stations that he will appreciate more later. 

A stomach...This was really  neat and there was a little slide that the kids could slide out of the stomach and the stomach made a "tooting" noise. I'm sure you can imagine who got a kick out of that....boys! 

A little balancing...

And stretching...

Upstairs, there was a cow to milk. Oh how Mason loved that! 

And then there was a little playhouse. Obviously, he liked that! Look at that (blurry) smile! 

There was an old time house with a little kitchen and everything all in one room. That was super fun! Mason ate a few apples. :)

And read a few books. 

Then we moved on to lots of stuff Mason didn't understand (and let's be honest, I didn't either) but Matt loved it! 

Brushing teeth! 

Driving a recycling truck. 

BLOCKS!! Matt built that arch. I had to drag him away. :)

WATER!! Mason's happy place


There were some other fun areas I didn't get pictures from including a cool climbing area, a TV station, a music room and a few other places. We had such a blast and we will definitely go back! 

After the museum, I don't think I took a single picture the rest of the day but it was good, too. We left the museum and fed Mason a packed in the car while we headed for some "treat" shopping at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. We stopped and picked up a Little Caesar's pizza for Matt and I and then, you guessed it, NAPS!!! 

For dinner, we went to a new chicken place in town, Hub City Chicken, and it was delicious!! We ended the night (after Mason was in bed) watching the movie, Labor Day (weirdest movie ever), and a little Chicago PD. 

Staycation was definitely a good idea! 

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun! We are going to have to check that out!
