
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

Since Matt and I celebrated early with a date alone last weekend, we decided to make Valentine's Day a family affair and it was so nice! I made a special breakfast for my guys included bacon, mini cinnamon rolls, chocolate dipped fruit and orange juice. 

Mason and Matt got some water toys to shoot water at each other once it warms up and they got matching TMNT cups. Matt got plenty of chocolate and Mason got glow sticks and TMNT socks. Matt and Mason gave me the little game Farkle and Matt made flowers out of Valentine's cards that Mason picked out. 

Mason LOVES the glowsticks! 

Mason also gave me a little heart shaped box of Chocolates and made for one of the sweetest moments ever! 

After breakfast, we went mattress shopping which was a total bust but Mason loves the legos they had to play with while he waited for us. 

As a special V-day treat, Mason's cowlick was in full effect! 

After Mason's nap, we took him for a little fro-yo date before we did some thrift store browsing. 

Dinner was at Pizza Inn because they had two buffets, two drinks and a take home chocolate chip pizza for $20. We couldn't pass that up. After Mason was asleep, we watched our favorite shows and ate dessert. It was a perfect low-key day. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your family day! One of my FB friends has 2 teen/tweenish daughters and they do the family thing too. her husband makes a fancy dinner for them and they all dress up and enjoy it. I think it's a great idea for families!!
