
Monday, April 27, 2015

Fear and Faith: Finding the peace your heart craves by Trillia J. Newbell

I was approached by SideDoor Communications who is partnering with Moody Publishing about reading and reviewing Fear and Faith: Finding the peace your heart craves by Trillia J. Newbell. I have been pleasantly by how much I enjoyed this book.

Throughout this book, Trillia shares several places in our lives, as women, where fear can present itself including fear of other women and fear of tragedy among other areas. I am not, in general, a fearful person and because of that, I can tend to be less than sympathetic to those who are fearful of certain things. 

This book helped to open my eyes to ways to minister to and just converse with other women who may have fear about certain things in their lives. I think this book would be an awesome resource for anyone in Women's Ministry especially. 

I look forward to reading more from Trillia Newbell in the future. 

Thank you, SideDoor Communications for this opportunity! 

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