
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Few Days with Skylar!

The family that we child swap with, who have also become some of our favorite friends, had their second baby girl, Emma, this past week. We got the opportunity to have their older daughter, Skylar, stay with us for a few days. 

Early morning TV show watching since both kids woke up well before time to get up. 

We went to MOPS and Skylar held Mason's hand on the way home. Sweetness! 

Skylar helped Mason put all of the toys inside his tent. And then they played in there. 

Sweet friends playing. 

And pretend sleeping! 

Then, I got to take Skylar to the hospital to meet her sister. Sweet moments! 

The next day, we had Skylar in the afternoon and we went to the park to play

We ended the day with QT drinks and outside playtime before I took Skylar back. We loved having Skylar stay with us! 

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