
Monday, May 4, 2015

The Morgan's Movements {Late April 2015}

Let's see what we've been up to this month! 

Mason has been coloring more. He mostly enjoys scribbling and then putting the colors all over the floor. :)

A little light reading here and there

Silliness with Daddy

One day held some CRAZY weather!

As you saw already in Mason's 18 month pictures, Matt's mom sent Mason this fun dinosaur outfit that she made. 

My sweet boy is growing up! He is so independent walking into MOPS. 

AND? MOPS wears his out! 

Our sweet garden helper

Momma got a haircut!

Love these two guys :)

Enjoying storytime

And the park with new friends! 

Mason had his first cereal with milk. His mind was blown

Mason enjoys ALL of the toys these days. :)

All of these pictures are blurry but these glasses were my grandfather's so I love to take pictures when Mason wears them. 

Morning snuggles with Daddy

These cool days have been incredible! We have enjoyed being outside so much. 

We went for a family dinner at Golden Corral. Mason enjoyed it...obviously! 

Sweet boy had a fever one day and he was pitiful! 

But that little bit of Motrin made him feel better and did some light reading. 

See? ALL of the toys! 

Oh my heart! 

Matt grilled one night and we ate outside. It was so nice! 


Park morning with our fun MOMS club friends! 


Mason looking at the bacon. 

More park fun! 

Grandmom got our sweet boy a hat at a consignment sale. He LOVES it and wears it daily. 

We got in a short visit with Grandmom and Granddad and Mason loved having Grandmom read to him. 

Sweet times with my best boy! 

See? Hat! 

My mom gave Mason a color wonder book with markers for his birthday and we just pulled it out and Mason LOVES IT! 

More eating outside on the last day of April at the park across the street. 

And a little ice cream date for my sweet boys. 

Mason insisted he wear both hats. HAHA!

Our sweet boy got his first skinned knee. 

Backwards hats for the win! 

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