
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Heart Dancing by Kathryn Eriksen {A Book Review}

Heart Dancing by Kathryn Eriksen was a difficult book for me to read and complete. I was very much looking forward to reading it because of the spiritual aspect of it. However, the spiritual aspects presented in the book, while at times similar to my own beliefs, were not exactly what I believe. 

Heart Dancing shares the fictional story of Christine and her husband who are dealing with the aftermaths of a dark secret from many years before which they have hidden from their daughter. While the story was fictional the main storyline could have very much have been real life. 

The parts of the story that were difficult for me were the parts where the family individually discovers their spiritual selves. I would not say that the writing of the story isn't good because I actually felt like Kathryn's writing was good but the real aspects of the story weren't my favorite. 

That being said, after looking at all of the reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, apparently, this is a crowd favorite so I don't want to say that you as a reader may not like the book. If you like spiritual/self help type of books, you may really enjoy this book. Also, I would be glad to share my copy with anyone who would like to read it. 

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.**

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