
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Louisiana Trip: Day 5 {July-August 2015}

Y'all, day 5 started with a popsicle as a part of breakfast! I mean, can you say VACATION!

We went into Hammond to meet Mom at a local consignment sale and while I found 4 items for $7 total, it was about 1000 degree in there and we lasted about 5 minutes. It was too early for lunch so we opted for donuts and chocolate milk! 
Mason destroyed that milk!! 

We told GiGi bye and went home for nap time. After nap, we headed to see my best friend, Jill, and her family. I've mentioned it before but Mason and Liam are one week apart and it was fun to watch them together when we visited. 
Snack time. 

And playtime...Mason LOVED the dog toys...go figure! 

Fun with a Jack in the box. Mason was so surprised everytime! 

Best Buds with our baby boys! It's hard to get 4 people looking in the same picture. :)

After a nice long visit with the Soderstroms, Mason and I met up with PawPaw and MiMi at a local restaurant, Your Momma's, for burgers. It was a good day for sure! 

1 comment:

  1. Leslie- He's getting so big!!! So excited to be back in the blogging world! thanks for the welcome!
