
Monday, August 17, 2015

Pennsylvania Trip {August 2015}

We have been planning and preparing for a trip to Pennsylvania to visit Mom-Mom (Matt's paternal grandmother) for months and we were so excited when the time finally arrived for us to hit the road!! 

See? Mason was excited, too! 

We left super early Saturday, August 8th, to head up so his excitement obviously wore off quickly when he needed a nap! :)

We stopped for breakfast at Hardee's around 7:00 and then hit the road for several more hours before making a lunch stop at Cracker Barrel. We were all happy campers regarding that decision! 

We played the state license plate game on the way up and we did awesome! 

We got to Mom-Mom's around 4:30 and we enjoyed a yummy dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. It was so good! While Matt and Mom-Mom cleaned the kitchen, Mason and I explored! 

Then, Mason decided to help with chores, too. He really is a BIG helper! 

Sunday morning, Mom-Mom had to be up early to go to a dance recital for one of her other grands so Matt, Mason and I headed out in search of some fun for ourselves. On our way, we saw geese! Lots of them in a CVS parking lot so that was....weird! 

We found a WaWa and immediately went to the F'real milkshakes even though it was only 8:30a.m.!! We didn't regret this decision one bit! 

Next up we headed to a park for a little playtime and some cute family selfies! 

Sunday afternoon brought company! Uncle David, Aunt Darlann, cousin Katie and her boyfriend Josh all came over for late lunch and Mason enjoyed the attention. 

We had delicious turkey sandwiches with all of the fixings, chips, baked beans, macaroni salad and yummy cake and pie for dessert. We certainly did not go hungry on this trip. 

More attention and fun for was so good to have everyone see how much he has grown. 

Before everyone left, we got a group shot the best way we knew how! 

Pure silliness...

And more chores! 

Sunday (or Saturday, not sure which) night, Mason did not sleep well and this is how the night went. Mason NEVER sleeps in our bed at home but when he is fussing and we are in someone else's house, we gotta do what we gotta do to keep him from waking everyone up! :)

Rough housin' with Daddy on Monday morning before fun adventures out with Mom-Mom. 

We first went to Shady Maple where we purchased so many snacks it was RIDICULOUS! This included 1 dozen of the most amazing donuts! 
We also hit up a store called "Goods" I believe and Mason drove his own cart for a minute. 


Mason also created a masterpiece while we were there. The next Picasso? 

Cheesin' with Momma! 

Monday afternoon brought an outlet mall trip which was a bust but still fun and then it brought yummy hamburgers for dinner! 

Tuesday morning, Matt and Mom-Mom went to a doctor's appointment she had and then Matt treated Mom-Mom to an early birthday breakfast. Meanwhile, Mason and I played with ALL of the toys! 





Mason enjoyed a yummy donut, too, along with this big boy cup! 

Tuesday afternoon, we made another trip to Shady Maple (y'all, I know, it was shameful!!) After dinner of yummy Chicken Stew, Mason played with the toys one last time before we hit the road early the next morning. 

Just before bed, Mason gave Mom-Mom some GOOD snuggles to hold her over until the next visit. 

We finished out our visit with a little evening Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune fun with Mom-Mom and hit the sack. 
We got up at 5:00 the next morning and headed home. We decided to stop at Cracker Barrel again but this time for breakfast instead of lunch. It was a great choice because the place was practically empty and we were in and out! 

Mason was a happy car rider, too! 

And on the way home, we found 42 license plates!! YAY! 

It was a great trip and we hope to make it back up sometime in the spring/early summer of 2016. 

Love you Mom-Mom! 

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