
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Road Trip: HOME!

all of the fun we had, we had to drive home! We got up and left at 5 and it was such a good decision for many reasons. One being this sunrise!

We stopped for breakfast and Mason was so excited...haha!

Shortly after breakfast, Mason caught a cat nap which was good since he had missed 2 hours of sleep when we got up and left early. 

We stopped for lunch in Auburn at BurgerFi and this had Mason actually excited!! 

Here's why! two words: Strawberry Milkshake! 

Mason had some fun with his football on the trip after that and he continued to take his socks and shoes off. Silly guy! 

Another reason I was so glad that we left early is that we hit traffic multiple times. 
Mason was the BEST riding partner though. Thank the Lord! 

After a major traffic slow down just before home, we made it and reunited with this guy! It was a wonderful trip but there is nothing like being home as a family of 3! 

Matt and Mason quickly found their routine again! :)

I'm thankful for a sweet boy who doesn't mind traveling since it's necessary in order for us to see all of our family. Coming up next is a recap of our trip to Pennsylvania that we took August 8th-12th to visit Matt's Grandmother, Mom-Mom! 

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