
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Morgan's Movements {Late July}

Starting tomorrow, I'll recap the trip to Louisiana that Mason and I just returned from. But for today, I'm posting just a few pictures of the last bit of July in South Carolina. 

When Mom was here visiting, Matt's grandparents came over for a visit and Mason and Granddad had a good little reading/sticker time. 

I worked several days while Mom was here (one of the reasons we planned the visit for when we did). Mason was in good hands, obviously! 

However, he wanted Daddy to stay for a while, too. But duty/work called! 

GiGi took great care of our sweet boy and gave him a little extra loving with snack time in the living room along with a show! 

Mason was clearly going through a growth spurt because he cleaned every single snack and lunch plate for the full week. 

I was home from work most days before Mason's nap time which was nice because I could rest, too. I picked him up one afternoon and he was having a FUN hair day! 

One evening, Mom, Mason, and I went to Barnes & Noble while Matt was finishing up at work. Mason loves the train table there! 

We met Matt at Bojangles for dinner and then we went to Yogurt Mountain. Mom had not been before and we all indulged! 

Just so Mason wouldn't forget me, I sent him pictures via Mom's phone every now and then. ;-)

I teased because Mason had not had a poopy diaper for Mom while she was watching him. But on Thursday (her last morning to watch him), he gave her two! Welcome to the club, GiGi. You have been officially broken in! 

I was originally supposed to work Monday-Friday but I was not needed Friday so that gave Mom, Mason and I a free morning. Where did we go? THE PARK! 

Friday night, Matt and I snuck away for a quick date of grocery shopping and Yogurt Mountain. It was nice to have a few extra minutes alone before Mason and I were gone for many day. 

Mason showed out a little bit having fun with Dad before we left for Louisiana! He wanted Matt to have extra fun memories to laugh about while we were out of town. 

Up next is our fun adventure to Louisiana! 

1 comment:

  1. And yes, it is now 7 a.m. and I'm craving yogurt. Ohhhh it looks so yummy!!
