
Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Fun Birthday Party {Early September}

We recently made some new friends through MOMS Club. The S Family just moved from California and they have a little boy who is almost 3 and a little girl who just turned 1. We got to be a part of that sweet girl's first birthday party and it was super fun!!

The party was at Hollywild and we got to spend time with lots of our friends. There was lots of yummy food and cake, animal feeding and even a safari ride! 

Here are some pictures from the day. :) (my phone pics intermingled with Matt's terrific camera pics)

The birthday girl and me; she was a little uncertain. :)

Kids exploring 

Time for AB to blow out the candles! 

Mason loved the cake! 

After lunch and cake, it was safari time! Wait, first it was goat time! 

And THEN, Safari time! 
I usually like to take 18 family selfies to make sure I get a good one! But this time? Mason said "Cheese" and we were all done! YAY! 

Feeding the Animals! Mason loved/hated this. He couldn't decide! 

Watching instead of feeding...more his speed (and mine)

Love my guys so much! 

Family pic, Mason and Matt? ..... No thanks! 

Here are a few other pictures that Matt captured on the safari. I love that he's our photographer. 

My main little guy and me! 

Animals from a distance

Human sighting! 

TONS of deer! 

And bulls! 

And buffalo!

We had such a good time with our friends and were so glad to be invited. Thanks, S Family!


  1. That does look fun! I love a birthday party outing. Good job Matt, on being the photographer!! Extra points!!!

    1. It was such a fun time! And yes, Matt ALWAYS gets bonus points for pictures. He rocks!
