
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fun Day with a Fun Friend!

A sweet friend in MOMS Club is going through some family health "stuff" and needed some help with one of her sons last week. Mason and I were going to be homebound anyway since our car needed a repair so I offered to watch him. Mason and C couldn't be more different but they had such fun together!!

Mason was excited at 6:45 that all of the toys were in different places (to make it easier for 2 boys to play). 

Parallel play at its finest. :)

Going for a walk! (Mason was blinded by the sun.)

C wasn't quite sure about Mason's hug. Haha! I can't blame him! 

Bubble Fun! 

Grandmom was over for a visit and C really liked her! 

Reading time! 

Snuggles with George on the TV. 

C played with some chalk after nap and Mason rode his (borrowed) tricycle. Yay for sunshine! 

I think C was a little ovewhelmed by the loudness that is Mason (and me) but we had such a good day. MOMS club moms have given some much help and support to us that it's so nice when we can give back in some way. 

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